Oh-What-a-Feeling is out.
Oh-What-a-Soundtrack is in. Car commercials, long home to
cloying corporate jingles, are increasingly leaving the music to
the professionals. From Sting to Geggy Tah, rockers have eagerly
licensed their tunes to automakers--both for up-front cash and
the boon of steady airplay on the small screen. But the marriage
of song and sedan isn't always one of sales and synergy.
Off-color lyrics can clash with the corporate pitch, and
occasionally a band insists on selling out in style: Witness
Chumbawamba, who sold a song to Pontiac for $100,000 but gave
the cash to activists bent on exposing GM's environmental
record. Here, a snap assessment of recent auto spots, judging
just how well the music sells the motorcar.ARTIST/SONG CAR WHAT GOES ON WHAT THE HOW THEY
CHUMBAWAMBA PONTIAC Main Street Finding despair The anti-
"PASS IT Americans win on the Internet: Microsoft
ALONG" keys to a "Shut out the lyrics
Pontiac to go world. It's should have
on a reality- getting worse. alarmed
TV-style road Save yourself, someone in
trip. After a don't leave Detroit. No
week with the the house. Aaah, in-house
car, they where do you jingle
"pass it want to go could
along" to today?" be worse
the next, er, than this.
winner. D-
GEGGY TAH MERCEDES Scruffy, dot- A random act of A driving
"WHOEVER C-COUPE com-wun- kindness: "All I song that
YOU ARE" derkind type wanna do is to drives home
cruises in thank you even the
his coupe, though I don't message.
groovin' to know who you Hum-it-in-
the stereo, are. You let me the-fast-
windows down, chaaange lanes lane
plastic bag while I was infectious.
swirling driving in my A
American car."
in the
NICK DRAKE VOLKSWAGEN Hipper-than- We're not sure, Nothing
"PINK MOON" CABRIO thou college but it's more says
kids take a creepy than Fahrvergnu-
moonlit, top- good: "I saw it gen like
down drive written and I the signa-
to a party. saw it said: A ture tune
The kegger is pink moon is on of a
unappealing its way." forlorn
after the folkster
spiritual most famous
cruising, so for OD-ing
they pop it on anti-
in reverse depressants
and drive off at age 26.
after the C-
LED ZEPPELIN CADILLAC Restyled An extended sex Given that
"ROCK AND Caddies with drought: "Been a the average
ROLL" grotesque long time since age of a
angular I rock and Caddy buyer
headlights rolled. Been a is 63, we
zip and zoom long time since suspect
to the I took that it's been
strains of stroll.... Been a long time
this '71 a long lonely, indeed.
heavy-metal lonely, lonely, Actual
classic. lone-ly time." synergy: D
synergy: A+
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